Timothee Gillier

Timothee Gillier

Joined January 5th, 2016
28 Instructables   304,762 Views   181 Comments   108 Followers

Timothee Gillier's Instructables

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100+ Comments

Earned a bronze medal

10K+ Views

Earned a bronze medal

10+ Featured Instructable

Earned a silver medal

Contest Winner

Runner Up in the Arcade Student Design Challenge

Contest Winner

Second Prize in the Make it Fly Challenge

Contest Winner

Runner Up in the Bikes Challenge

Contest Winner

Second Prize in the Distance Learning with Tinkercad Contest

Contest Winner

First Prize in the Paper Contest

Contest Winner

Runner Up in the Travel Contest 2017

Contest Winner

Runner Up in the Photography Contest 2017

Contest Winner

Runner Up in the Cardboard Contest 2017

Contest Winner

Runner Up in the Bag Contest